By neildaemond, an 'any-stack' hacking grasshopper.
Taking notes while tinkering with:

Blog Theme Updated

Well, it’s been ages since I’ve updated my blog. Usually I have something I want to blog about and then I get caught up with the idea that I haven’t implemented the features I wanted in my blog. Using Hugo’s taxonomies etc., I wanted to put into my blog the following:

Site Sections

I’ve now put in site sections such as ‘news’, ‘quick-tips’, and other sections related to the different roles I take on during my work/tinkering/family such as ‘web-programmer’, ‘jack-of-all-trades’, and ‘hacker-dad’(who finds ways to balance tinkering with family life).


Tags are just tags. I try keep them limited to ‘stuff I’ve tinkered with’.

Blog Series

With the blog series, I can talk about a topic in multiple posts, keeping it limited to a certain topic at a certain time. For example, I’m currently working on a “Playing with Phoenix 1.3” series which will discuss and demonstrate the ‘1.3 way’ of going about a project.

With the blog where I wanted it, I’m ready to breath new life into it to help facilitate the learning of today’s modern technologies.
